Why Branding Matters: 10 Key Benefits for Your Business

Discover the essence of branding – it's more than logos and taglines. It's your business's heart and soul, connecting with customers.

October 2023
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Brand Refresh

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, having a strong brand isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have. It's the difference between being just another business and being the go-to choice for customers. It's what propels small businesses into household names and what keeps the giants of industry at the top of their game.

In this post, I'm going to walk you through 10 key benefits of branding and why it should be a top priority for your business. Let’s jump right in,

1. Branding Creates Trust

When you think about your favorite brands, what comes to mind? Is it their products, their customer service, or perhaps the way they make you feel? Chances are, it's a combination of all these things and more. This is the power of branding. A strong brand doesn't just sell products or services; it sells trust. It tells customers, "Hey, we've got your back. You can rely on us to deliver quality, value, and a great experience every single time." This trust is invaluable in the business world. It's what turns first-time buyers into loyal customers and loyal customers into brand advocates.

Take Apple, for example. People don't just buy iPhones because they're high-quality smartphones. They buy them because they trust Apple to deliver a product that's innovative, reliable, and worth every penny. This trust didn't happen overnight. It's the result of years of consistent branding, from their product design and customer service to their marketing and communications. So, if you want to build a business that lasts, start by building a brand that your customers can trust. It might take time, but I promise you, it's worth it.

2. Branding Improves Recognition

Imagine you're walking down a supermarket aisle, and you see rows and rows of products. How do you decide which one to pick? Most likely, your eyes will be drawn to the brands you recognize. This is the power of brand recognition. Branding isn't just about creating a pretty logo or a catchy tagline. It's about creating a visual and emotional imprint in your customers' minds. It's about making your business memorable, so the next time your customers need a product or service you offer, your brand is the first thing that comes to their mind.

Think about brands like McDonald's or Nike. Their logos are so iconic that they're instantly recognizable, even without the company name. But it's not just the logo that makes these brands memorable. It's the consistent use of colors, fonts, imagery, and messaging across all their marketing materials. It's the unique brand experience they deliver to their customers. So, if you want your business to stand out in the crowded marketplace, invest in branding. Create a unique brand identity that reflects your business values and personality. Be consistent in your branding across all platforms, from your website and social media to your packaging and customer service. Remember, every interaction a customer has with your business is an opportunity to reinforce your brand and improve recognition.

3. Branding Supports Your Marketing Efforts

Marketing is all about communicating the value of your products or services to your customers. But here's the thing - before you can convince your customers of your value, you need to convince them of your credibility. A strong brand acts as a foundation for all your marketing efforts. It gives your business a clear identity, a unique voice, and a consistent message. This not only makes your marketing more effective but also more efficient. Instead of trying to explain who you are and what you stand for in every marketing campaign, you can focus on showcasing your products or services and how they can benefit your customers.

Take Coca-Cola, for example. Their brand is so strong and consistent that they don't need to explain who they are in their marketing campaigns. Instead, they use their marketing to reinforce their brand message of happiness and positivity. Whether it's a TV commercial, a social media post, or a billboard ad, every piece of Coca-Cola's marketing is unmistakably "Coca-Cola." So, if you want to supercharge your marketing efforts, start with your branding. Define your brand identity, your brand voice, and your brand message. Then, use these elements as a guide for all your marketing campaigns. This will not only make your marketing more cohesive and impactful but also help you build a stronger connection with your customers.

4. Branding Motivates Employees

When we talk about branding, it's easy to focus on its external benefits, like attracting customers or standing out from competitors. But did you know that branding also has significant internal benefits? One of the most important of these is employee motivation. You see, a strong brand doesn't just tell the world what your business stands for; it also tells your employees. It gives them a sense of purpose and direction. It makes them feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves. This can be incredibly motivating and can lead to higher productivity, better job satisfaction, and lower employee turnover.

Let's take Google as an example. Their brand isn't just about being a search engine. It's about making information universally accessible and useful. It's about innovation, creativity, and making a difference in the world. This brand identity doesn't just attract millions of users worldwide; it also attracts and motivates some of the brightest minds in the tech industry.

5. Branding Generates New Revenue

Now, let's talk about the bottom line. After all, one of the main goals of any business is to make a profit. And guess what? Branding can play a significant role in that. A strong brand doesn't just attract customers; it attracts the right kind of customers. It helps you target and connect with the people who are most likely to buy your products or services. This not only increases your sales but also improves your customer retention and loyalty, leading to more repeat business and higher lifetime customer value.

A strong brand can also command a higher price for your products or services. Customers are willing to pay a premium for brands they trust and value. Just think about brands like Starbucks or Louis Vuitton. They're not just selling coffee or handbags; they're selling an experience, a lifestyle, a status symbol. And customers are willing to pay a premium for that.

Finally, a strong brand can open up new revenue streams for your business. It can allow you to expand into new markets, launch new products or services, or even license your brand to other businesses.

6. Branding Creates a Competitive Advantage

In today's marketplace, it's not enough to have a great product or service. You need to have something that sets you apart from your competitors. Something that makes you unique, memorable, and desirable. And that's exactly what branding can do for your business.

A strong brand can be your business's most valuable asset. It's something that can't be copied or bought. It's something that needs to be built, nurtured, and protected. Think about brands like Tesla or Amazon. They're not the only companies that sell electric cars or online retail services. But they've managed to differentiate themselves through their branding. Tesla is synonymous with innovation and sustainability, while Amazon is known for its customer-centric approach and convenience. This unique brand positioning gives them a competitive edge and makes them the preferred choice for many customers.

7. Branding Helps You Connect with Your Customers Emotionally

Branding is more than just a logo or a tagline; it's an emotional bridge that connects your business with your customers. People are emotional beings, and we often make purchasing decisions based on our feelings and emotions. A strong brand taps into these emotions, creating a bond with customers that goes beyond the physical attributes of a product or service.

For instance, consider Harley-Davidson. The brand doesn't just sell motorcycles; it sells freedom, rebellion, and the spirit of adventure. These emotional connections have turned customers into die-hard fans, who not only buy their products but also get tattoos of the brand logo, showcasing their loyalty and emotional connection to the brand.

8. Branding Provides a Platform for Your Business Story

Every business has a unique story, and branding provides the platform to tell this story. This narrative can encompass your business's history, mission, values, and vision. It can highlight your triumphs, your struggles, your commitment to your customers, and your vision for the future.

For example, TOMS Shoes has built its brand around the story of "One for One" - for every pair of shoes purchased, the company donates a pair to a child in need. This compelling narrative not only differentiates TOMS from other shoe companies but also resonates with customers who share the brand's commitment to social responsibility.

9. Branding Helps You Stand Out in Digital Spaces

In the digital age, businesses are no longer confined to their physical locations. The internet has leveled the playing field, allowing small businesses to compete with larger corporations on a global scale. However, this also means that the digital landscape is incredibly crowded and competitive.

A strong brand can help your business stand out in this digital crowd. It can enhance your visibility on search engines, increase your engagement on social media, and improve your conversion rates on e-commerce platforms. For instance, Netflix has built a strong digital brand by providing a seamless user experience, producing high-quality original content, and engaging with their audience on social media.

10. Branding Attracts Like-Minded Customers

Finally, a strong brand can help you attract and retain like-minded customers - those who share your values, support your mission, and are aligned with your brand personality. These customers are more likely to be loyal to your brand, advocate for your products or services, and become repeat buyers.

Consider Patagonia, an outdoor clothing brand known for its environmental activism. Their strong commitment to sustainability and environmental preservation is reflected in their branding, attracting customers who share these values. This alignment between the brand's values and the customers' values has helped Patagonia cultivate a loyal customer base that supports the brand not just for its products, but for its mission.


In the end, branding is not just about having a catchy logo or a memorable tagline. It's about creating a unique identity, a compelling story, and a strong emotional connection with your customers. It's about standing out in the crowded marketplace, attracting like-minded customers, and building trust and loyalty. The benefits of branding are manifold and far-reaching.

So, whether you're just starting your entrepreneurial journey or you're looking to take your established business to the next level, don't underestimate the power of branding. It's not just an expense; it's an investment. An investment in your business's future, in your customers, and in your bottom line. Remember, your brand is more than just a representation of your business. It's a promise to your customers. It's a commitment to quality, value, and integrity. It's the heart and soul of your business. So, make it count.

That's it for today's post on "Why Branding Matters: 10 Key Benefits for Your Business". I hope you found it insightful and inspiring. Don't forget to share it with your fellow entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts. Until next time, keep branding. Get in Touch Now

Ready To Hit Refresh?

When it comes to your brand and website design, you don't need to struggle or try figure it out on your own.

Let us help you get it right and create a standout brand image you can be proud of.

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Worried your brand is falling behind, but you're not sure?

Here's a quick checklist to find out.

  1. You created your brand on a Commodore 64 - okay, that may be too far back, but you get the idea - your graphics are outdated.
  2. Your website still thinks it rules the playground, hates change, and refuses to play nice with mobile devices - in other words; it isn't responsive.
  3. You have trouble uploading your logo to any social media sites while making it look good - can't they make that square any bigger? Honestly.
  4. Your messaging says one thing while your business is doing another - basically, your business has evolved, but the story you're telling hasn't.
  5. You're losing customers because you can't tell them "at the speed of light" what you do - yes, that's how fast you need to capture someone's attention.

If you answered yes to any of the above, don't worry. We won't judge, but you're probably ready for a brand refresh. Not a complete overhaul, just an update. Because design trends change, technology keeps improving, and buyers are getting savvier and smarter. And brands, yours included, need to stay ahead of it all or at least keep up.

Every Brand Needs Refreshing.

For some, depending on the nature of their business, it could be quite often. Just look at Google. They seem to be doing it every day! We're not suggesting you go that extreme, but you could take a cue from MasterCard's subtle but recognizable brand mark evolution from 1966 to 2019.

Not all of Mastercard's re-brands were successful, but we won't talk about those because, in 2019, Mastercard did get it right. They didn't change their brand or what it stood for. They simply made it better by adapting their brand mark or logo to meet current trends.

In a bold move, they removed their name in printed form, letting their iconic overlapping red and yellow circles do the talking. They now have a "flexible modern design that works seamlessly across the digital landscape." When explaining the decision, Raja Rajamanar, Mastercard's chief marketing and communication officer, said: "Reinvention in the digital age calls for modern simplicity." Bam. Instant relevance.

That's What KHULA Does.

We're Brand Refresh Specialists.

KHULA helps brands stay true to who they are while giving them a new and improved image. In a nutshell, we help brands that feel tired, worn out, and a bit irrelevant get the revamp they need to keep growing their business. While updating your brand might seem daunting and overwhelming, we assure you it's not.

It's one of the most important things you could do for your business. Plus, it feels incredibly satisfying once you have a new website with on-point branding that represents who you are and what you do.

For A Successful Brand Refresh, You Need Expertise In Branding, Marketing, And Design.

Not everyone is at Mastercard's revamp level, but the foundational elements of the process for most businesses, big and small, are the same. A good brand refresh usually includes the following:

Brand Audit: This is a thorough analysis of an existing brand that uncovers its market position, target audience, competitors, and overall brand perception.

Research and Insights: Gathering market research, consumer insights, and industry trends informs the brand refresh strategy.

Strategy Development: To develop a comprehensive brand refresh strategy that aligns with the company's goals, it may require refining brand positioning, defining the brand personality, and establishing the brand's unique value proposition.

Visual Identity: Often seen as the "fun stuff", designers and creative teams collaborate to update or refine the visual elements of the brand, such as the logo, colour palette, typography, and overall brand aesthetics.

Messaging and Communication: Refreshing a brand isn't just about updating visual elements; it also includes updating messaging by crafting or refining brand messages, taglines, and brand voice to ensure consistency and resonance with the target audience.

Implementation Guidance: This involves implementing the brand refresh across various touchpoints, including marketing materials, website, packaging, and other brand collateral.

Stakeholder Engagement: Strong collaboration with internal teams and stakeholders must be established to ensure a smooth transition and alignment throughout the entire brand refresh process.

Brand Guidelines: Brand guidelines or style guides are created to provide instructions and standards for maintaining the refreshed brand identity across different platforms and communications.

When It All Comes Together, Brand Image Is Improved, The Target Audience Is Reached, And Business Objectives Are Achieved.

We'd say that's a pretty stellar outcome.

If your brand is losing its shine and starting to feel left behind, we can help.

We'd love to walk you through our brand refresh process and make your brand come alive again.

Want to explore some of our award-winning brand refreshes? Check them out here!

What's A Brand Refresh Anyway? It's Your Brand. Only Better.

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Brand Refresh

A lot of businesses forget to focus on design and customer experience (CX). But those things are what sets them apart from competitors. They’re both really important pieces. That’s something that Trimble Group Founder, Toby Trimble, knows all too well. He was looking to transform his video production company into a specialist animal health communications brand. 

Toby knew he needed to niche down and build stronger engagement with his target audience. The question was: how? Not only did collaboration with Khula Design Studio give ‘Trimble Productions’ a new name, it provided a professional new brand with the power to shape perceptions in the animal health sector. And it also received some prestigious recognition from the design community.

Toby and Jamie caught up on all things design in an episode of the Trimble Group’s ‘The Future View Podcast'. Read the summary article below or listen to the full 30-minute episode.

First impressions matter

Jamie and Toby first met in a breakout room on a coaching program. Having both started businesses at exactly the same time — Khula Design Studio and Trimble Productions -– they hit it off from day one. 

Jamie’s background is a mixed one. He was in operations and logistics for a long time before stints with a number of award-winning design agencies. For the last seven years, he’s been in the design industry, focussed on branding and web design

Jamie combines his project management and design experience as Founder of Khula Design Studio. Khula is a boutique design studio helping small businesses and non-profits around the world refresh their brand image and online presence, and elevate both online and offline perceptions of brands.

As a self-proclaimed ‘solopreneur’, Jamie wears many hats. He knows all the ins and outs of running a business. Khula is not his first — it’s number 10 — and he’s a serial entrepreneur who loves working with startups, small businesses, and other solopreneurs. 

He’s well aware that when you go to someone’s website, or you check them out on social media, those visual elements quickly paint a picture in a person’s mind. Jamie and the Khula team help small business owners to feel proud and confident of their brand. 

“The small guys are the ones often unseen or unheard. A lot of startups want a DIY approach and to do everything themselves. I want to help small businesses reshape brand perceptions online.”Jamie Windell Founder, Khula Design Studio

Day to day at Khula Design Studio

Jamie oversees a team of creative contractors, acting as a single point of contact for clients. It’s slightly different to a typical agency model. It’s smaller scale, and more boutique. Jamie handles everything from brand strategists and UX/UI designers to copywriters and SEO specialists. 

He’s the glue that holds it together — a project manager with an eye for design — delivering high-quality, on-time, and on-budget brand and website design. He helps clients navigate these technical aspects to unburden clients from the challenge of getting it right for themselves. One of those clients is Trimble Group.

KHULA Design Studio x Trimble Group

Six months ago, Jamie and his team helped Trimble Productions transition into Trimble Group. Toby knew Trimble Productions needed to niche down into the veterinary and animal health space. So Toby and Jamie jumped on a call to identify the gaps in the brand. 

It soon became clear that the website wasn’t all there. Many of the brand's ideal clients are large pharmaceutical companies. But the design, color choices, and web copy of the old site were mismatched with this target audience. It needed a refresh, and a change of look. 

The first thing was to focus on strategy-led design. That meant unpacking the brand positioning to discover its true North Star — how Trimble needed to show up, its values, what makes it unique, its tone of voice, and its ideal customers. It also included a naming exercise with Toby’s team, which landed on the capture-all — ‘Trimble Group’. 

Jamie works with different industries and clients. The challenge was to better understand the landscape of the veterinary and animal health space, as well as Trimble as a business, how it operates, and its clients. Knowing how Trimble works and who they serve, set the Khula team — six to seven creatives — on the right design path. 

The early mood boarding and concept designs were tested internally to ensure the symbol and word mark were a match with the ideal audience and created a sense of trust and loyalty whilst retaining a veterinary feel. 

The web design started with wireframing — the structure of the website. The User Experience (UX) designer put together the pages, helping to create an intuitive flow, the user journey, and the menu navigation. Then they worked on the User Interface (UI) bringing in Toby to collaborate on the process. It gave him an idea of the real look and feel of the pages before it was brought to life. 

Wanna see the full transformation and case study? Click here

Making a visual impact

“What makes this website really special is showcasing the work that Trimble Group does. We wanted to ensure that the new website showcases that visually… high-end quality video production.” – Jamie Windell Founder, Khula Design Studio

The response to the new design was positive. Jamie and his team brought in a lot of video into the design – hovering on cards triggers a video; background videos play in the hero sections; pop-up videos appear over certain facts and stats. There’s also a powerful storytelling flow, making it easy to read and navigate through the website.

The new design has helped Trimble Group to show up as they truly are. It’s given them confidence in who they are and what they do. And it shows.

Trimble Group’s Webflow website have been recently recognized by an honorable mention from awwwards. Voted on by a panel of creative experts — made up of designers, developers, and agencies — awwwards enables digital designers to demonstrate their talent and experience to the global design community.

Both KHULA Design Studio and Trimble Group are delighted and proud by the announcement. 

“One of the things that came out of this project is that I’ve gained a deeper appreciation of user experience… what I hadn’t realized was how deeply ingrained the customer experience, the customer journey, is in every touchpoint. Working with Khula has made me realize how much more there is we could do — how we can take it even further.”  – Toby Trimble, Founder, Trimble Group 

Discover what Khula can do for your startup, small business or non-profit. Book a call with Jamie

Jamie Talks Design & Rebranding - Future View Podcast

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Brand Refresh

International money transfers are notoriously time-consuming and complicated, not to mention expensive. Fintech, TransferWise, was founded to make international money transfers easier for everyone. It’s built as a non-banking platform capable of replacing international banking — and today used by more than 10 global banking institutions. 

Ten years in, the founders decided it was time to change the TransferWise brand. The name change and wider rebrand were needed to better represent the audience the company served — people and businesses living multi-currency lives who need their money to be borderless. 

At Khula Design Studio, we’re in the business of brand refreshes and we’re also a Wise customer. That’s why we’re fascinated by their recent brand transformation — what they did, why they did it, and how other businesses can learn from their success. 

From TransferWise to Wise

What’s in a name? Quite a lot as it happens. 

When it was first founded, the TransferWise name reflected a community of people getting wise to the frustrating, complicated, and expensive business of international money transfers via banks. Escaping hidden fees and exchange rate mark-ups, TransferWise promised a fairer and easier way to move money between borders. 

Today, the company knows it’s about more than money transfers. That’s what their community of millions tells them. Converting money into different currencies is still complicated and dominated by small print and delays, but the Wise community has evolved. They’re very aware of an outdated international banking system, which makes exchanging money more costly and time-consuming than it needs to be.

They’ve become Wise.

Looking good in green

Let’s start with the one thing that hasn’t changed. The ‘fast flag’ — which symbolizes money without borders — is still a part of their logo. Every other brand asset has been reworked to better reflect the company’s global community of people and businesses.  

Gone is the dark blue palette and dark themed website. The new brand identity embraces shades of green — the color of money, the color of the natural environment, and also a reflection of the diverse and vibrant community that uses Wise every day. 

The brand now has a cleaner, brighter, and more environmentally friendly look and feel, switching to greens and whites that make it feel more international, and more universal. In the words of their London-based branding agency, Ragged Edge: “Every other part of the visual and verbal system has been painstakingly redesigned with The World’s Money as the guiding principle.”

What’s a rebrand?

When an organization rebrands, it goes through the process of changing its established image and identity in the marketplace. Rebranding involves making carefully considered changes to the name, logo, design, and other visual and messaging elements to create a new, differentiated brand identity and perception.

The purpose of rebranding is to create a distinct and compelling brand identity that resonates with customers and helps an organization achieve its strategic goals. Updates to a brand's identity might be needed to reflect changes in the market, industry, or customer preferences, or to better position the brand for growth and expansion.

Organizations are often rebranded for one or more of the following reasons:

  • increased competition
  • shifting audience demographics
  • changing industry expectations
  • new products or services 
  • outdated branding
  • ineffective marketing methods.

Ultimately, rebranding is a strategic approach that seeks to create a fresh and relevant identity for an established brand. This move helps brands to stay competitive and thrive in a constantly evolving marketplace.

What’s a brand refresh?

Compared with a full rebrand, a brand refresh involves updating an established brand's visual identity, messaging, and customer experiences in a more limited and cost-effective manner. While rebranding may involve a complete overhaul of the brand's identity, a brand refresh typically focuses on smaller changes that help keep the brand relevant and up-to-date.

A brand refresh may involve updating key messaging, visual elements, and customer experiences to better reflect the current market, audience, and competitive landscape. This can include updating the brand's visual identity, refreshing the brand voice, and ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

Businesses may opt for a brand refresh when they recognize that their visual identity is outdated or their messaging and offers have evolved. It can also be used when a brand is experiencing inconsistencies or has a changing audience due to growth or other factors. A brand refresh helps to create a modern and relevant brand identity that resonates with customers and sets the stage for future growth.

Both a brand refresh and a rebrand update a brand's identity, messaging, and customer experiences. A brand refresh is a smaller and more cost-effective approach, whilst a rebrand is a more extensive overhaul of the brand's identity and could involve brand strategy, a new name, logo, design, and messaging. A rebrand can sometimes signal a change in direction, an attempt to address negative perceptions, or a move to simplify and streamline a brand’s identity.

5 reasons why big brands refresh or rebrand

There can be many reasons behind changes to a brand. Here are 5 commons reasons why big brands refresh or rebrand: 

  1. Relevance: As consumer preferences and industry trends evolve over time, brands may need to update their visual identity and messaging to stay current and appeal to new audiences. Refreshing a brand can help keep it fresh, modern, and attractive to customers.
  1. Differentiation: If a brand's competitors have similar branding or messaging, a rebrand can help it stand out in a crowded marketplace. By creating a unique visual identity and tone of voice, brands can differentiate themselves from competitors with similar offerings. 
  1. New Direction: If a company is pivoting its business strategy or expanding into new markets, a rebrand can signal to stakeholders that things are changing. It can also help build interest and generate a buzz.
  1. Negative Perceptions: Sometimes a brand's reputation can become tarnished due to negative publicity or a misalignment with consumer values. In these cases, a rebrand can help shift perceptions and rebuild trust with customers.
  1. Simplification: Over time, brands may accumulate an inconsistent library of visual elements and messaging that can become confusing for people. A rebrand can help simplify and streamline a brand's identity, making it easier for customers and stakeholders to understand and engage with the brand.

Why Khula gets Wise

As a Wise customer, the team at Khula were fascinated and impressed with their rebrand. We use Wise daily to pay subcontractors around the world. We also use it for clients who are abroad and need to pay easily and quickly. 

The app is super intuitive. It saves us and our payees so much time and fees! Normally, funds arrive within 48 hours, sometimes the same day. For a small international business like us, it’s also way cheaper than using a traditional bank. To be honest, when it comes to moving money internationally, it’s been the saving grace of Khula.

At Khula Design Studio, we help small and medium-sized businesses to rebrand and refresh. Together with our brand strategy partners, we reframe how your business shows up, refreshing your brand identity, messaging, and online presence. 

Get in touch to find out how we can help evolve and transform your brand. Book a complimentary call today! And if you're looking for a fast way to send money internationally or travel with money without the heavy costs and headaches — head over to Wise.


Images by wise.com

Rebrand by Ragged Edge

A Wise Move — What A Good Rebrand Looks Like

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Brand Refresh